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What to Expect

If you've never had counselling before , I appreciate that it can be difficult to know what to expect.

Even if you have, there's still the chance that this could be very different from what you've experienced previously.

So here's a little info to help you see what the beginning of a new journey with Palms might look like.


You can contact me by submitting the contact form on this web-page , emailing me at or by calling or texting my contact number: 07999 346016.

Please leave a brief message with your name and contact details and I will get back to you as soon as I am able to.  I am often unable to answer calls, and so I find that texts or emails can be an easier way of communicating.

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My office is located in Poole, near to Darby's Corner roundabout, between Broadstone and Canford Heath. 


Once an appointment has been confirmed, I would usually send you the full address and also directions/ info on public transport if you need it.

Alternatively, if you prefer, we would arrange a convenient time to have our session via a Zoom video call or by telephone.

Introductory session


I offer a reduced rate introductory session. 

This gives you the chance to meet me, and we can talk about your reasons for looking at counselling and what you hope to get out of it. 

Then you should also have a better idea of whether I am the right counsellor for you.

In my experience, counselling is most beneficial when there is a good relational rapport; and so this session gives the opportunity to test the waters with me and see whether working with me would be a good fit.

Before continuing to work together, we will also agree upon a Therapeutic Contract that sets out the plan for our work together; which basically helps us know what to expect moving forward and helps ensure we're on the same page.

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On-going sessions

Depending on your situation, we will agree together how many sessions you want. This can then be extended if you want to later on.

Sessions will usually be scheduled at the same time each week and are for 50 minutes; although in certain instances there may be some room for flexibility depending on circumstances (NHS shift work etc.) 

The time is yours to use as you want, whether that's talking through what's on your mind or setting goals and figuring out how to achieve them. 

But don't worry if you're not sure initially, as we can work together to figure out what is best for you. 

We will also review your goals and progress at regular intervals.

Principles of Counselling


I adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed here.

I believe that each of us know what is best for ourselves, but sometimes we just need a bit of help to figure out what that is.  For this reason I will not tell you what to do; but will listen to you and help you to figure it out in your own way.

I will offer a safe and non-judgemental space for you to explore what's on your mind; anything we talk about is strictly confidential and I adhere to the legal requirements regarding the protection of personal data.

There are some limits to confidentiality, as expressed in the BACP Ethical Framework, and these will be highlighted during discussing the Therapeutic Contract at the start of our work together.

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